Product Development

After R&D Activities, the activities that cover the entire processes of developing a new product in engineering, introducing a new product to the market, and improving an existing product are called product development.

While developing the product, market research should be done at every stage of the design process, including the unmanufactured and later versions of the product.

Our company supports you in all of these processes.

  • -Creation of ideas.
  • -Examination of ideas.
  • -Initial design, development and testing.
  • -Market analysis and economic analysis.
  • -End product development.
  • – Putting the product on the market

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Topology Optimization

Material-oriented strength in engineering causes products and parts to be produced larger or heavier than they should be.

Today, complex designs can be created with the help of developing manufacturing methods. While making these designs, an operation called topology optimization is performed in order to protect the maximum load and minimum weight that the material can withstand. With this optimization, heavy parts with high mechanical strength that meet critical loads can be redesigned to be more durable, lighter and less costly, which can be produced with our expert design team.

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Productive Design

Generative design is a design research process. Designers or engineers enter design goals, parameters such as performance or space requirements, production methods, and cost constraints into their software. Using the power of the cloud, the software explores all possible permutations of a solution, creating very fast design alternatives. Evaluates and learns the choices made as a result of each analysis. We also use the productive design, which is used everywhere from automotive to aviation, consumer goods, construction products and industrial machinery sector, also in the medical field.

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Prototyping is the first example of a product that provides information about how it will work, in order to predict the closest to the final. The purpose of the prototype is to test the product and create the final product without spending a lot of money and time.

After the dimensional analysis of a product is made physically, needs-oriented designs are made with our team, and prototyping is carried out after the necessary revisions in line with the determined needs in the models obtained as three-dimensional.

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Material Analysis

The stages of measuring the material characteristics of the material technologies, which we are involved in with the biodoped filament production studies, have formed a large part of our research. We also diversify our R&D services with the experience of applying for the patent of the material we have developed. For this reason, we can provide material analysis services in line with the needs of our customers.

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Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering of a device, object or system; It is the process of discovering its structure, function, or working through an inferential reasoning analysis. It includes the separation of parts such as machine or mechanical tool, electronic component, software program and detailed analysis of working principles.

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